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Amy Tuttle (known throughout social media as amy in peru) is wife to Micah and mother to six fantastic kids whom she homeschools a la Charlotte Mason using AmblesideOnline (AO). Amy is delighted to be a part of the AO Auxiliary; she also serves as a moderator on the AO forum and for many years hosted the monthly Charlotte Mason Blog Carnival at her blog, Fisher Academy International.
Amy thrills at the discovery of all things beautiful, true and good; which providentially included Charlotte Mason’s principles at the dawning of her journey of self-education. For her, the everyday-ness of being near to her dears is one of the wonders of the world. Nature-studying, painting, reading, thinking…these are her favorite things. Through writing and speaking she teaches mothers (and so vicariously their children) the delight to be discovered in seeing, knowing, reading and writing. She can’t wait to share with you!
To connect with Amy you can send her a note via the contact page of this site, through the AO forum, on the Discover Reading! Facebook Page, or on her blog, Fisher Academy International
Happy Reading!