A teaching approach undergirded by Charlotte Mason’s educational philosophy, principles & practices.

Practical and inspiring, Discover Reading! with its teacher helps, activities and example lessons is designed to teach you how to guide your child on an enjoyable journey of discovery — set his feet in a wide room, let him discover the magic!

Discover Reading! will help you:

  • grasp and apply Charlotte Mason’s principles
  • develop your child’s skills in phonemic awareness, blending, word-building, visualization, word-analysis and automaticity in word recognition
  • encourage a love for language and stories using interesting activities filled with inspiring ideas
  • find special delight in teaching your unique children
Discover Reading! purpose is two-fold:
A guide to help the teacher to understand the philosophy behind the method.
Strategic activities to lead your child through the stages of pre-reading, beginning reading, and fluency – your child will develop vital skills such as phonemic awareness, mental imaging, auditory blending and word building.

Learning to read should be a delight-filled & engaging process!
“Amy has melded together Charlotte Mason’s philosophical insights and practical how-to, showing the reader a simple yet effective approach to teaching a child to read. I felt so encouraged and confident after reading both the Teacher and the Activity Guides–she took my hand and walked me through the steps necessary for fluency, while also opening my eyes to the delight available for both my child and myself.   Such a joy to read, and so simple to put into place!”
“Even though I’ve successfully taught 3 children to read using many of the concepts outlined in Discover Reading, I came away with new ideas, new clarity of purpose, and new affections for my children and their learning process. Amy simplifies complicated concepts and outlines clear and powerful methods through very practical, simple lessons. I wish I’d had this guide at the beginning of my homeschooling career, but I’m thrilled to put it to use now with my next up-and-coming readers.”


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your child’s journey of a lifetime!

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    Discover Reading! exists because learning to read should not be boring, painful, or scary for teacher or child! Reading is not an end in itself, rather is a means to discover a whole world full of interesting ideas! The method outlined in Discover Reading! encourages curiosity, observation and attention.

    Recommended by:

    Discover Reading! addresses the child as a whole person who wants “delightful glimpses into the world of wonders he lives in” and encourages his “desire to make discoveries for himself.” You and your little learner will practice seeing, telling and making. These skills are essential for the entirety of one’s education – that is, for life!

    "Reading is to him a delight henceforth.”

    ~ Charlotte Mason, Home Education, pg. 219

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